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The gym!


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I went back to the gym today! This was the first time since sometime during my first trimester of pregnancy that I went! When I first got pregnant I had every intention of going but exhaustion and then body aches prevented me.

After Anna was born I wanted to wait until she was crawling to bring her to the child watch. Well, she is crawling (very well I might add!) and we went last week but child watch was not open so we went today. It felt so good ton be active again! Anna did ok, though we need to work on the timing a bit, she was ready for a nap. I am hoping they have more times for child watch in the fall.

One of the benefits of Chad's new job has been the ability to rejoin the YMCA. They have great kids programs and obviously a child watch so I can work out. In the fall I want to sign Anna and I up for a parent / child swim class. The class is basically about getting the baby used to being in the water, they don't actually start learning to swim until age 3. I am excited about it, I think Anna will be really into it, she loves the water and I think they do music and movement type things in the water, which I also think she'll enjoy.

I guess this just reminds me of how important it is to be active and get involved in things when you're a stay at home mom. Especially with little ones, it can be a very isolating role. It is good for Anna and for me when we go to playgroups, swim classes and even things like child watch at the gym or MOPS / Moppets where we are not necessarily together. It gives her exposure to different people and situations that she doesn't get just staying at home.

Ok baby awake! Mommy out!


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