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Anna Duggar is pregnant again...


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...but that's not what this post is about. I am happy for them.

It brings to my mind once again the thought that I am not ready to start trying for another child yet though. Anna had the same due date as me and Mackynzie was born just a few days before my Anna.

I also know others who are pregnant who have little ones the same age or even younger than my Anna. There are also those whose children are Anna's age who are not pregnant, but there are quite a few who are.

No one is pressuring me but the questions have already started "When do you think you'll have more?" I don't know. Honestly, I don't. I'm not bothered by the question. I am just so happy being Anna's mom, there are times that I can't picture even having another child in the picture at all! I feel like she is it sometimes, like she just makes our family complete. I do think we'll try for one more but I think it's going to be later than what it seems like most "expect." Not too long, but I am not in a rush to start trying again. It's just not even in my realm of thinking right now.

Part of it is definitely just not being ready to go through a c-section again and the recovery process and wanting Anna to be older for that but the bigger thing really is just wanting to be with Anna. Sometimes I almost feel bad about that, like I am being selfish for wanting to wait and just spend time with Anna. Anyone else feel that way?


I don't think you're being selfish Michelle. It's your family and God will give you the yearning to have another child in His (and your) timing.
Hopefully, if you DO have another, you won't have to have a C-section. You'll be amazed at how quickly you'll heal from a vag. birth.
Hugs to you!
P.S. I can't believe this is the first time I saw your blog. How did I miss it?

Awe, you can tell this is all from your heart. Thanks for sharing. I agree with Betsy, after having a vag birth, it makes me want to have another child. The healing is way different. Have you talked to people about a VBAC, I think that's what it's called. That may help in your little fears. If God wants you to have another c-section he will get you through it. You have great family, and you need to remember they will not leave you to do this all alone. That's right, no pressure! Don't let the questions/comments about having another child bother you. Another little child will come in God's perfect timing. =)

-Melissa Grayum

People asked us when we would have more within a week after Reilly... :P Silly people...
You go ahead and stay happy just being Anna's mom and Chad's wife! :) I don't think you need to rush. We aren't going to. Reilly will probably be close to 3 if not older when we have another one, though we know we want to try to have at least one more so he isn't an only child. :) (Not more than 3 total though... I can't handle more than that!)
Who cares what other people expect... if they want to have 4 kids all under 5 or 6, then they can go right on ahead with that. :) I have to do what's best for me and our family and you need to do what's best for you and yours. I am barely handling Reilly, I can't imagine yet having another one with where I am at right now health wise. :)
I don't know personally what the recovery from a c section is like, but I know it was difficult for you and I can definitely understand your reluctance to go through it again. You probably learned in your pre-baby class that as long as they did the cut horizontally across your belly and uterus, then there is normally no problem with being able to have a vaginal birth next time. :) I wouldn't think about it though till you start thinking and feeling like it might be time for another one.
I don't think you are being selfish in just wanting to enjoy Anna. I think that's you being a good mom. :) She's going to have to share you after another baby comes, so I'm sure she will benefit from your undivided attention now (minus time for Chad of course!). :) The better an attachment you both have before another kid comes along, the better for your relationship later! Leastways, that's what I learned in my counseling classes. ;) I'm hoping it pans out in real life!
*hugs* I really hope we can see you all sooner than later!!

Awww you girls are too sweet! I am not feeling pressure from anyone and even if I was... too bad! I know what we are doing is right for us! We are content with Anna for right now, she is a blessing!
I guess this was just more of an introspective post, I think there is sometimes pressure from within. I see others who are pregnant again already and I'm sort of in awe because I know that I'm not even close to being ready!
As far as the c-section, I do know about VBACs. We'll see what happens when I get pregnant again. There are risks involved (I know there are with c-cection also...) and I don't think my doctor even does them so it would mean changing doctors (which I don't want to do). Also, although I had a normal incision I am not sure if the infection messed up the way it healed and would disqualify me? There's a lot involved. When the time comes I will talk to my doctor about it but my guess is that it will be a not and I'm ok with that. I know what is involved with a c-section and how to prepare myself (and those around me ;-)). I am just not ready to do it again right now!

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