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Ah sickness!
Comments (2) | Saturday, February 12, 2011
I've had enough! We all have... I know! I also know it's been way too long since I blogged!!
First, soooo many times this past week I have wished I could breastfeed Anna again, is it weird that I feel like it would almost be like a medicine to her? Unfortunately, that is just not possible anymore! LOL!! Anna has been more sick over the past almost week and a half than she has ever been in her 16 months of life! It's such a heart wrenching feeling to watch your little one be so sick and not be able to do anything!
We took her to the doctor on Friday with a 102.5 fever which came back down on Saturday afternoon but her "cold-like" symptoms continued to get worse. We did not go to church on Sunday, had to skip playgroup Monday and then Tuesday morning her temperature was higher again. By 11:30 it was 101.2 and she was feeling yucky so I gave her Motrin, she ate lunch, had a normal afternoon and went down for her normal "rest time" at 5, when Chad went to go get her she was shaking. I took her temp and it was up to 104.1 and she was trembling!! Poor thing!! I gave her Motrin immediately and the trembling did subside soon but she was almost completely lethargic. She was whining initially but then she didn't even have the energy for that. She just laid in my arms and occasionally would cough and drink a little from her cup (thank goodness she was still drinking!!). It was the scariest thing! Chad called the nurse on call and she asked a million questions and didn't think the ER was necessary but we ultimately decided to bring her. When we got there, Anna vomited (because she coughed) which caught me off guard (it was the first time she has ever thrown up in her life!) When they took her, her fever was only down to 103.3, they gave her Tylenol (2 hours after Motrin), which brought it down to 102.3. Ironically, about an hour before both meds were due to wear off her fever completely broke on it's own and hasn't come back since! By 11:30 in the ER she was doing a lot better (still sick, but not lethargic). The next day, anytime she was awake she was crying, it was awful! Luckily, she slept a lot! Thursday, she woke up late, then took a 4 hour nap (from which we had to wake her up!). Friday she was getting a lot closer to normal but still definitely a sickie. Last night she fought falling asleep and then was awake for 2 hours in the middle of the night so this morning was miserable but once she woke up from her nap she was like a new baby! She has been totally herself all day since then!! I have my Anna back!! Yay! We are hoping this trend continues! She did take an extra nap this evening that she doesn't normally take, so that tells me that she will still need a little bit of extra sleep but we are almost there!
I know this is not the last time we will have this kind of illness but it was the first time and we have learned a LOT!
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